Door of HOPE
Door of HOPE

Want to get involved?

Contact us at: (989) 798-2711 or fill out our contact form.


Door of Hope

1650 Wright Ave

Alma, Mi 48801

Our mission:

Door of Hope exists to bring awareness of Local and global needs and to provide opportunities for individuals and churches to become directly involved in providing relief by offering their time, talents and resources to provide aid and direct relief to those that have experienced hardship locally, nationally and internationally.

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Connecting people and resources to those in need to demonstrate God's Love. Door of Hope had the preveliage of partnering with convoy of hope and crisis response international to help those effected by the current tornado's that swept through At least six states — Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and Tennessee

for i was hungry and you gave me something to eat

Matthew 25:35


a maze field in Malawi africa

One of the highlights from our October 2019 trip to Malawi was the opportunity to provide seeds and fertilizer   

to grow maze and sow beans that provided food for 900 students at a rural school.  


We believe the Church is best representrd when we unite in purpose to show God's love and the Good News of Jesus Christ

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© Door of Hope